The SEO of a SaaS website can be a very challenging and painstaking process. Creating a website is easy, but drawing traffic to it? Not so much. The web is full of SaaS SEO tips, but they all sound so complicated.

If you want some simple and practicable SEO solutions for your business, look no further. In this article, we will share some simple SEO strategies to help your SaaS website rank higher quickly and easily.

Let’s first answer a few commonly asked questions about SaaS SEO that might be confusing you. In these answers, you will also find some of the most important tips for SaaS website SEO on a budget.

For example, we have listed the best tools for SaaS SEO along with detailed descriptions of how you can use them to achieve the desired results. Keep reading till the end if you want to find out where you can start from when SEO for your SaaS business.

How much does it cost to improve the SEO of a SaaS website?

It is understandable that you want to set aside a fixed budget for SEO. Everyone wants to have a rough idea of how much they will have to spend on their website before it starts ranking. However, things are not that simple when it comes to SEO optimisation.

You can spend thousands of dollars and still get only 20% of the results that a way cheaper SEO campaign is getting. It’s all about spending the right amount of money on the right part of the process.

Also, SEO is all about the tools that you use. There are many tools available in the market. It can be really overwhelming to have to choose one. However, that choice is the key deciding factor for your company’s future.

The amount of money you will spend on your SEO campaign will change based on the tools you use for it. SEO for SaaS businesses is an ongoing thing as new competitors surface continuously. You can’t stop doing it, so there is never a fixed budget for it.

What are the best tools for SEO for SaaS businesses?

There are a number of tools available online that can help optimize the SEO of your website. The trick is to find out which ones yield good results and cost little to nothing. Some of the very best SEO tools for SaaS websites are completely free.

If you don’t know your tools, you can’t do your SEO. You will end up spending too much without getting good results from your SaaS website. We have handpicked some of the best tools available for SaaS business website SEO in 2022.

These handpicked SEO tools do most of the work that they are supposed to do without charging you anything. Here are a couple of SEO tools. We have included a short explanation of how you can use each one to improve the SEO of your SaaS website easily and quickly without spending a lot of money.

Tool 1 – Yoast SEO Plugin for WordPress

Most websites online today are hosted on WordPress. Yoast SEO is a really popular plugin that allows you to edit the search snippet of your blogs. It lets you make that search snippet SEO-optimised for free. In addition to that, it also gives you important tips to improve every article you are posting.

For example, it will remind you to link your article to another article on your website if you have forgotten to do that. All these suggestions from Yoast SEO really come in handy when you want Google to rank your SaaS platform higher in search results.

Tool 2 – SEMrush SEO Toolkit

SEMrush is perhaps the only SaaS platform that will allow you have access to a tonne of SEO tools for free. If you have just launched your first project, you can have plenty of SEMrush SEO tools for free. From keyword research to competitive comparisons, SEMrush will help you do everything from the same interface.

It offers worry-free, free-of-cost SEO optimisation of your website. You can even dig up some really good backlinks for each one of your blogs using SEMrush. That is why we all love it when it comes to free tools for SEO optimisation.

SEO Tips for SaaS Websites

Here are the final few tips that will help you send your website’s traffic through the roof after some consistent effort. Remember, when it comes to SEO, there really is no royal road to success. You have to take the long route and remain consistent in whatever you are doing. Consistency has got some pretty useless websites to rank, history proves it!

So, here are some tips that will help you along your long journey to success in SaaS SEO.

1. Loading Speeds Come First

Your website loading speed is going to throw many of your visitors off the track. Make sure to keep it optimised for visitor retention and engagement. No one would wait more than 1-2 seconds for a website to load – that’s the rule. Google hates sluggish websites and so do its users. What keeps the users happy also keeps Google happy.

One tip that will definitely improve site loading speeds is image compression. Don’t use HD graphics – that’s not a good idea when you need pages to load within seconds. Otherwise, you’re gonna have to find a new host and invest a lot more in the server resources that your website is using.

2. User Interests Come First

When you are posting content on your website, remember what you like on a website as a user. We’ve all been there. We like websites that look simple and fulfill their purpose fast enough. We hate those with a tonne of design elements that we don’t care about.

As a content creator, it is easy to forget that. Think like a user – put yourself in the audience’s shoes. That will help you make golden modifications to your content that nothing can beat, trust me. You will be able to see what element belongs on the page and which one does not.

No one likes clutter. That’s basic human nature. Maybe you think it makes your website look sophisticated, but in fact it does not. That can be a pretty big downside for your website when it comes to SEO. SaaS SEO is not just about drawing visitors to your website – it is also about retaining them.

3. Content is King

Trust me – SEO is all about content. It is driven by content, and Google cares about nothing but the fact that you are regularly posting something that a user wants to see. Even with static pages, you have to keep updating them to stay at the top. Don’t let your content grow old at all. Google is going to see how little attention you have paid to it and demote your search result as something old and outdated compared to newer posts.

Also, SEO is all about the readability of content. Whether or not your content means anything is secondary. What’s primary is that it should be easy to read and easy to understand. If your users can’t make sense of what you are posting, then it’s all going to go down the drain in terms of SEO. No matter how many keywords you insert in it, it’s not going to rank.

4. Keep a Minimalist Approach

It is widely believed that you need to be writing “lengthy” blogs for your website to rank higher. That’s not true. If your content satisfies the user intent, you might as well be posting only 300 words per blog. That’s actually the minimum number of words that you need for Google to consider your blog worth reading.

Don’t add fluff or exaggerations to your content just to make it lengthier. Users don’t like that, and they don’t stick around long enough to reach the end of your article if it doesn’t dish out the right information immediately. It is going to increase bounce rates. Users will quickly hit the back button and pick another search result over yours.

5. Rely More on Graphics

Your branding as a business relies heavily on graphics. Your graphics have to be up to the mark more than your text for customers to trust you. Put yourself in a user’s shoes and think for one second. What’s the first thing that you judge a website by? What’s the first thing you see?

Yeah, that’s right. The design and the graphics. The color schemes, fonts, shapes, all of that is registered long before anything else is. That’s why your graphics need to be amazing and very attractive. That is the most important thing for a SaaS website’s SEO because it drives visitor engagement and retention.

The Key Takeaways from Our SaaS SEO Tips

Overwhelmed by the amount of information above? Here’s what you need to remember:

  • Use free tools like Yoast SEO and SEMrush to get insights about your content
  • Keep your content simple and readable – free of fluff and exaggerations
  • Focus on graphics because they affect your branding a lot.